The Seven Saints of St Pauls Art Heritage Trail

by Cactus UK for Android 9.0

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The Seven Saints of St Pauls Art Heritage Trail: A Vibrant and Educational App

The Seven Saints of St Pauls Art Heritage Trail is a mobile app designed by Cactus UK for Android 9.0 users. This app is a valuable educational tool for those interested in learning about the history of St Pauls Carnival and the contributions made by the Windrush generation. The app features an interactive map that displays the seven large-scale murals of individuals who made significant contributions to the social and cultural richness of Bristol and the UK.

In addition to the interactive map, The Seven Saints of St Pauls Art Heritage Trail app also includes articles about important historical events, such as The Bamboo Club, The Black & White Café, the St Pauls’ Uprising, and The Bristol West Indian Parents & Friends’ Association, which established the St Pauls Carnival inThis app also has audio guides that provide a more immersive experience for users. The Seven Saints of St Pauls Art Heritage Trail is a full version app that is perfect for those interested in travel and navigation, specifically in the St Pauls area of Bristol.