Walking Odometer Pro: GPS Fitness Pedometer

by Disciple Skies Software for Android 9.0

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A free program for Android, by Disciple Skies Software.

Walking Odometer Pro: GPS Fitness Pedometer is a free and easy to use GPS app for Android smartphones and tablets. The app was made to help you track your outdoor activities, such as walking and running. You can choose to set goals for yourself, like how many miles or kilometers you want to walk every day. Or, you can choose to track your speed, the distance you walk, and the calories you burn.

When you start the app, you will be asked to set a goal, like how many miles or kilometers you want to walk every day.

After you set your goal, you can choose to set a time period for your goal, so you can set short term or long term goals. You can also choose to set a speed, the distance you want to walk, and the calories you want to burn.

The app will then track your activity. You can pause and resume your activity at a later point in time. There is a one-of-a-kind odometer on the first screen that shows your distance. The odometer was modeled after the rolling drum odometers seen in old cars and functions the same way — the display actually rolls in real time as you walk / run.

The app will track your activity in real-time, and you can see the distance you have walked, the speed you have walked, and the calories you have burned.

You can also pause and resume your activity at a later point in time.