Applock APK

by TOH Talent Team for Android 9.0

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A free app for Android, by TOH Talent Team.

What is AppLock?

It is a privacy guard that helps you to keep your personal information safe. It can lock your apps and your device to secure your personal data. With the help of this utility, you can also make your pictures and videos inaccessible to other people.

How to use AppLock?

First, download and install the AppLock, it is completely free to use.

Next, you need to create an account by entering your mobile number and the password that you want to use.

After that, you will be taken to a page where you will be able to choose the type of protection that you want to have. There are four types of protection that you can choose from: a pattern, a PIN, a password, and a voice pattern.

Once you have made your choice, click “Set password” and you are done. You can also use the same password for all the apps that you want to protect.

The next step is to enter the password that you want to use. You will be given a confirmation code, and if everything is OK, you can use the password that you have created.