Monkey Cash Loan

by Konsen for Android 9.0

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A free app for Android, by Konsen.

This is a very simple app that makes it easy for you to borrow money. We do not need to see your ID or other documentation to verify your identity. You just need to fill in a few details to get the loan.

Why use this app?

This app is very easy to use. You do not need to be afraid of the paperwork. You can just fill in a few details and you will get the loan in no time.

How do I use it?

1. Download and install the MonkeyCash application.

2. Open the application and fill in your details.

3. Verify your details and submit the application.

4. You will receive a notification if the application is approved or not.

5. You can either pay the amount directly via ATM transfer, mobile banking, internet banking, Digital Wallet, or other ways.