ICT Color Modification for Club Automation

by Andrew for

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ICT Color Modifier and Organizer

ICT Color Modifier and Organizer is a new feature that allows Club Automation users to modify colors of program listings, group classes, private lessons, and reserved court time to any color they would like. Users can view all schedules in all courts of their choosing and make changes to the event colors by simply right-clicking on the item in the app. With this feature, it is possible to change the color of the event title from white to black to allow users to read better in the event listing.

With this feature, users can customize their club schedules to be more personal. Users can find schedules in all courts on their own without having to search them. This feature also provides a download button for all of the Junior program rosters that a user has downloaded, eliminating the need for the user to manually download all of the rosters.