LuvDiary – Couples relationship app

by Azure Mir LLC for Android 9.0

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LuvDiary – Couples Relationship App – Share Every Moments with Your Loved One

LuvDiary – Couples relationship app

LuvDiary is a couples relationship app. You can use it to share all the moments of your daily life with your love. It’s a secret and private chat only for you and your love. There are mini-games and kudos cards that can make a bond stronger. You can talk and communicate with your partner through This or That, QnA, and Kudos cards. You can play your favorite activities in the “Time Capsule” and get to know your love’s likes and dislikes. The diary will let you record everything you and your significant half share and keep the relationship more stable and strengthen the bond. You can add pictures to give a vivid image of your day to your love. You can also add the “Memo” to remind yourself or your love for various anniversaries and events. The “Calendar” will let you see how your heart is for each month and manage the important events in your diary. You can also select a sticker that fits well to the event. With no “Mood” selected, a question mark will appear. If your love’s mood is a question mark, you can send a notification by clicking it. You can see the “Mood” of your beloved person, and you can also share yours with him or her. You can synchronize your moods. You can add pictures that show you in your best mood to your love. You can keep yourself up to date and share your loved one’s moods, which will make your love feel loved.