First Class Trouble

by Versus Evil for Windows 11

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Social deduction on a doomed starship

First Class Trouble is a social deduction game set aboard a futuristic cruise ship. Players take on the roles of passengers trying to save themselves or traitors who are working against them. The core concept is similar to other deduction games, such as Among Us or Town of Salem.

In a round of First Class Trouble, players must make their way through multiple decks of the ship. Assuming they complete the needed tasks and survive the journey, they’ll defeat the ship’s rogue AI to win safety.

New twists on a familiar formula

The basic structure of First Class Trouble will be familiar to fans of social deduction games. The players must complete a series of tasks to advance through the ship’s deck. Some of these tasks require cooperation, meaning players must trust each other. At the end of each level, there’s a chance to vote a character off the ship.

The game features some surprisingly complex mechanics within its simple structure. The tasks are more varied and challenging than those found in some other social deduction games. Additionally, players can defeat the traitors by ganging up on them, not just by voting them off. However, neither method reveals whether the dead player was a traitor, so this method has its risks.

Matchmaking mishaps

The most important part of a social deduction game is the social experience. However, First Class Trouble makes this experience a little challenging. In order to play a match, you need exactly six players. There’s no way to play a friends-only game with five or seven players.

Fun with friends

First Class Trouble is best enjoyed with a group of friends. Matches with random online players can be unpredictable. Also, the six-player requirement makes the game unsuitable for larger or smaller parties. For groups of six, this game offers rich mechanics, a fresh visual style, and plenty of paranoid fun.