Locator : XPath/CSS Selector

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Locator – A Tool That Can Generate XPath/CSS Selectors

Locator is a useful tool that can generate a XPath or CSS selector for an element on a web page. This way, the developer can know the exact location of that element on a website, and also have its HTML and other attributes.

Besides, Locator supports SVG, so you can also generate an SVG path that can be pasted to the web page in order to create more interactive elements.

The app is very easy to use, and you can choose between various options, including the possibility of generating the selected XPath/CSS Selector or an SVG path.

There are also a few options that you can select so that your XPath/CSS Selector will include text or other elements from the selected HTML element, such as a class, id, or other element.

The Locator tool is very useful when you have a few links on a web page, because you don’t have to select each element one by one.

All you need to do is enable the extension and press the “Generate XPath/CSS Selector” button. It will generate the XPath/CSS selector for the element you have selected and copy it to the clipboard.