Obd Arny – OBD2 ELM327 simple car scan tool APK

by TechnoDrive for Android 13.0

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A free program for Android, by TechnoDrive.

Obd Arny is an app that you can use to perform diagnostics on your car. With the free version, you can scanning and reading basic information about your car, such as speed, RPM, engine coolant temperature, engine load, short/long term fuel trim, fuel and air pressure, and more.

How to use:

First, make sure that your vehicle is OBD2 compatible and has a working ELM327 Bluetooth or Wi-Fi adapter.

Second, turn on Bluetooth or Wi-Fi on your device and pair it with the ELM327 adapter.

Third, go to the app’s settings and select the adapter.

That’s it!

If you want to explore the app without connecting it to a vehicle, you can also do so using the demo mode.