MetService Snow Weather APK

by Meteorological Service of New Zealand for Android 9.0

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MetService Snow Weather

MetService Snow Weather is a free Android app developed by the Meteorological Service of New Zealand. It provides comprehensive weather forecasts for all New Zealand skifields in a user-friendly interface. The app includes 7-day forecasts, skifield last snowfall and current snow base amounts, skifield webcams, skifield lifts & conditions information, 3-hourly wind, temperature, rainfall, and snow forecasts for the next 48 hours, the latest MetService TV Snow Update video, severe weather information, user-selected home location and favourites, 7.5-minute rain radar, 3-day rainfall forecast imagery with wind barbs, and surface pressure maps.

However, the app is designed solely for smartphones and is not supported for tablets. It does not include urban, marine or rural forecasts, or maps that are not included in the list above. Overall, MetService Snow Weather is a handy app for anyone planning to hit the ski slopes in New Zealand and wants to stay informed about the latest weather conditions.