
by Accumulus Capital for Android 13.0

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AvtaMata: A Professional Investment Portfolio Builder

AvtaMata is a robo-advisor application for Android that allows you to invest professionally. With this app, you can build a professional investment portfolio that suits your investment goals and risk tolerance.


To get started, fill out a survey and share your investment goals, horizon, and personal preferences. Based on your risk and volatility appetite, AvtaMata’s robo-advisory algorithm will suggest a portfolio most suited to your needs.

Portfolio Creation

AvtaMata’s portfolios consist of international ETFs, commercial bonds, real-estate investment trusts, and domestic funds. Based on your investment goals and risk tolerance, the app will suggest the perfect mix of portfolio elements.

Social Investing

AvtaMata allows you to follow one of their investment experts, making it possible to create a 1:1 copy of their portfolio, removing all the hassle and time required to build and maintain your own portfolio. It is simple and fast.

Fractional Investing

All portfolio elements available on AvtaMata can be bought and owned on a fractional basis. You can own real-estate, international stocks and funds, and other securities with as little as $100. AvtaMata is free to use and is an excellent tool for anyone looking to invest professionally.