Budget manager tracker

by aleff for Android 13.0

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Budget: Expense and Income Tracker, Money, Finances App

Budget: expense and income tracker, money, finances app is a handy tool for creating and keeping budgets. You can track all kinds of money, such as income and expenses, set budgets for different categories of operations, see the detailed reports for each period of time and each category of operation, sort operations by date or amount, see your spending patterns, and so on. With the help of the app, you can easily spend money while hoarding and saving up.

As you use the app, you will find that it can not only help you create budgets but also provide you with an overview of your financial situation. This way, you can make more informed decisions, plan more realistically, and save up more effectively. You will also be able to keep track of your spending by simply registering an account with your bank and creating a transaction with the app.

There are different ways that you can use the app to understand and control your finances better. The app will automatically draw up current balance and create a pictorial diagram showing your spending patterns.