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Cal-Extension – A Small Tool to Calculate Mathematical Expressions

Calc-extension is a small tool to calculate mathematical expressions quickly in the browser. It is very easy to use and helps with daily tasks, such as adding money to an account or simply calculating a percentage.

The goal of Calc-extension is to make the life of a mathematician easier as well as to help programmers. To achieve this, it has a few features:

The first is that the user can enter a formula into a field. This formula will then be evaluated when the user presses the “evaluate” button.

The second feature is that the user can use the up and down arrow keys to go back to the previous formula.

The third feature is that the user can store multiple formulas in a field.

If the user adds a formula and then hits the “evaluate” button, then the result will be the sum of the values of all the formulas stored in that field.

The fourth feature is that the user can use the “copy” feature to save the current formula in the clipboard, and then paste it back into a new field.

The fifth feature is that the user can export the current formula to the clipboard as a formula, which can be pasted into a new field.