Express Plus Medicare APK

by Australian Government Department of Human Services for Android 9.0

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Companion app for Medicare services

Express Plus Medicare is a free medical application developed by Services Australia. It is the official companion app for the public healthcare system, Medicare. With it, users will be able to access their accounts and records, as well as avail of various services offered by this provider.

Much like other solutions like mediQ: Smart Healthcare or VITAS Healthcare App, Express Plus Medicare makes it easy for anyone to have access to medical services and expert consultations about their ailments anytime, anywhere. Everything is available through a simple and intuitive user interface.

Healthcare for everyone

Medicare is a publicly-funded universal healthcare provider in Australia run by the social security department, Services Australia. It is the primary system through which residents can avail of various medical services being offered in the country. With the help of the official Express Plus Medicare companion app, beneficiaries can access their health records and request aid anytime from their devices.

It features a simplistic user interface but is easy to navigate and use. Once you’ve logged into your account, you can access your medical records or avail of services right away, including making a claimregistering a newborn into the system, and managing your Medicare Card. You can also mark yourself as a possible organ donor if you choose.

Other things you can access are your medical claims history for reference and your immunization record to check if you’re protected from various diseases. All that being said, though, using the app itself leaves a lot to be desired and is far from ideal. There are numerous user reports of being unable to log in, and constant loading errors when trying to load or even do anything.

Problematic and unreliable

The Express Plus Medicare app would have been a nice and handy companion to have to let you manage and avail of health services easily just by using your mobile device. However, its execution falls short and the whole experience just ends up being cumbersome and frustrating. You can, however, give it time for updates to fix the issues. Otherwise, just skip this one.