Tide – Focus Timer & White Noise

by Moreless, Inc. for

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Increase Focus and Productivity with Tide Chrome Extension

Tide – Focus Timer & White Noise is a simple but powerful app to help you focus and stay on top of things. Using the app, you can increase your productivity by allowing it to set itself as your focus timer and white noise to stay focused.

The app offers you different modes to choose from:

1 – Focus Timer: In this mode, you will be able to choose a timer for yourself. After the selected time, the app will alert you that your attention has gone to some other part of the screen. You will not be able to do anything else until you restore it by moving the focus to your task or project.

2 – Focus Statistics: Tide can count your lost attention. After the selected time, it will notify you that you have not been focused for the last 60 minutes. This mode will allow you to track your lost attention and help you to get it back on track. The app will then warn you every time it detects your attention being lost for more than 60 minutes.

3 – Natural Sounds: With these sounds, you will be able to improve your focus by relaxing and relaxing to the sounds of nature. You will have the feeling of being in an environment where you cannot be disturbed.

Tide has also an option to create and add your own timer. You can use it as your custom timer and add it to the app as well. You can also add and remove timers and focus statistics.

To improve the quality of the sounds in the app, you can turn them on or off.