Experience the superhero life in Megaton Rainfall
Megaton Rainfall is a first-person VR game in which you take on the role of a superhero. You must use your flight, invulnerability and energy blasting powers to combat an alien invasion. But the greatest danger to humanity might not be the aliens; it might be you.
Living in a world made of cardboard
Megaton Rainfall is a very impressive VR experience, with detailed city environments and a real sense of soaring, swooping flight as you zoom around the map. Missions are based around damage: since you basically can’t be killed, you can only fail a mission by letting too many people die or too much of a city under attack be destroyed. That damage can come not only from alien attacks but also from you; if you shoot or crash into a building, you’ll cause casualties. In some missions, this may simply be necessary to prevent even greater loss of life. It’s a surprisingly dark take on the superhero genre for a VR action game.