TODO English

by Enuma for Android 13.0

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A free program for Android, by Enuma.

What is Todo English?

Todo English is the new English learning app for children. It was developed by the American curriculum team in Enuma’s American offices, and contains over 3,500 educational activities. This app offers a unique opportunity for children to improve their English-language proficiency by practicing the skills that will be essential for success in school and in life.

Children can play all the interactive learning activities without having to pay. Todo English’s parents can view children’s progress in the form of a monthly Todo report. Parents can choose to have their children take a weekly or daily course to reinforce their learning. They can also access an extensive collection of videos and pieces of reading content to help them gain fluency in speaking English.

The best part of Todo English is that parents can choose to opt-in to receive their child’s progress report and also receive a list of words and phrases they need to review at home.