Dungeon of Slyn

by Phishsoft for Windows 10

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Embark on a Roguelike Quest in Dungeon of Slyn

Dungeon of Slyn is an RPG in the roguelike subgenre. Choose a character and explore a dungeon in search of treasure and glory.

A Revival of a Classic Genre

Anybody familiar with the field of roguelike RPGs will find themselves at home with Dungeon of Slyn, as it sticks closely to the conventions of the subgenre. The player’s first task is to choose from five different character classes: fighter, make, paladin, priest and ranger. Next, you will be sent to the dungeon, which is randomly generated on each play through. Equip yourself with weapons along with magical artefacts such as spellbooks, potions and wands so that you can fight off the various hideous monsters that attack you in the catacombs. Keep an eye out for treasure

A Traditional Roguelike

Dungeon of Slyn is a traditional addition to the roguelike subgenre, although in some respects it has been given a graphical enhancements over earlier games. If you feel like revisiting this classic genre, then Dungeon of Slyn will be a good game to try out. Be warned, however: as with many games in the genre, death is permanent; once your character has been killed, your quest will be over.