Color Text: Replace ASCII Text with Colors
Color Text is a Chrome extension developed by dougalg that aims to replace ASCII text with colorful circles. This unique add-on offers a whimsical way to transform plain text into a vibrant display of colors. While it may not have a practical purpose, it can be used to confuse or entertain friends, especially those who are colorblind.
Once activated, Color Text replaces all ASCII text on a webpage with colored circles. Each circle represents a character, and there are various color schemes and borders used to differentiate different types of characters. Vowels have yellow borders, most punctuation marks are solid circles, and numbers have white or black borders. Parentheses and brackets are represented by circles with white or black interiors.
Hovering over a circle reveals the original character it replaces, providing a way to decipher the colorful text. It’s worth noting that not all text will be replaced, and some pages, such as, may experience crashes when using this extension.
Color Text is a free Chrome extension that can be easily installed from the Chrome Web Store. It offers a fun and unique way to experiment with text colorization, although it may not have any practical applications.