by Mastersoft ERP Solution Pvt Ltd for Android 13.0

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M-OPAC: Convenient Book Search App for College Libraries

M-OPAC is a free Android app developed by Mastersoft ERP Solution Pvt Ltd. It falls under the category of Education & Reference and aims to provide a convenient way for users to search for books in registered college and institute libraries.

With M-OPAC, users can easily search for books using different tags such as title, author, publisher, subject, and keywords. The app displays consolidated library data, allowing users to quickly find the information they need.

One of the key features of M-OPAC is that it provides detailed information about each book, including the author, publisher, publish year, accession numbers with series code, ISBN, call number, and quantity of books available. This makes it easier for users to assess the relevance and availability of a particular book.

M-OPAC offers access to both registered users and guest users. Guest users can register easily to gain full access to the app’s features. This ensures that users can make the most of M-OPAC’s capabilities to search and find the books they need.

Overall, M-OPAC is a useful tool for students and researchers who need to access books from registered college and institute libraries. Its simple interface and powerful search functionality make it a convenient choice for book search and retrieval.