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On-demand streaming service

DGO is a free-to-download entertainment app for streaming videos on mobile devices from developer The DirectTV Group Inc. It is a video-on-demand service that provides users with access to live TV streaming for a variety of content. It also supports multiple platforms and various smart devices.

Similar to Sky Go or Hotstar, DGO offers various media content to cater to all kinds of viewer preferences and interests. From sports to TV shows and movies, it boasts a wide selection of channels to choose from. Multiple subscription plans are available to new users after their free trial has ended.

Watch whenever you want

Video streaming services have become synonymous with media consumption today. Plenty of platforms offer great quality content for a small monthly subscription. However, there are times when you subscribe to watch a specific event or show. This is where video-on-demand comes into play, offering you an alternative. DGO is a service provider exactly for this need that you can use on your smart devices.

This app is easy to use, as you only need to register for an account to start using it. If you’re new to the service, you can simply log in and start your seven-day free trial. During this time, you will get access to a variety of media content, from sports to movies and TV shows, and even documentaries. You can subscribe afterward and you can cancel anytime.

What’s more, the service allows you to use and stream with up to two devices at the same time. This means you can watch on your smartphone or tablet while someone else can do the same on a smart TV. Using it on the Android TV platform or devices like the Chromecast results in a bad experience with slow and non-intuitive navigation, or worse, it won’t work at all.

A decent choice

All in all, if you like or prefer using video-on-demand services for their customizable plans and the option to cancel anytime, DGO is a decent choice worth considering. It offers plenty of choices and you can start streaming from just about anywhere. Just be aware that the experience on smart TVs or TV stick devices leaves a lot to be desired.