What is Otter.ai?
What is it about?
Otter.ai is a free app for Microsoft Teams and Google Meet users who want to transcribe and caption meetings and share meetings notes in Google Calendar.
This is a very simple app. All you need is a microphone. Just point at the speaker and start talking. It works like a microphone on a TV. Just speak into your phone. No audio files are stored on your phone. If there is a recording in the microphone, the app will save it to the Otter.ai account.
Just select a word or phrase, click on “Transcribe” and the app will transcribe the audio file to your Otter. If there is no recording, then nothing will be shown. If you’re offline, then it will not work.
Note that, the audio file may be a.WAV file,.MP3, or.AAC. You can use a different audio file with the app.
You can also add meeting notes to Google Calendar by simply sharing the meeting link.