에비츄 카카오톡 테마 – 사랑스런 날

by COGUL for Android 13.0

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Adorable KakaoTalk Theme – Lovely Day

The “Adorable KakaoTalk Theme – Lovely Day” is a personalization app available on the Android platform. Developed by COGUL, this app is free to download and use.

This theme is designed to add a touch of cuteness to your KakaoTalk messaging application. With its charming churros-filled design, it is sure to captivate users who appreciate adorable aesthetics.

To apply the “Adorable KakaoTalk Theme – Lovely Day,” simply follow these easy steps:

1. Install the Ebina Chuo KakaoTalk theme – a lovely day.

2. Click on “Apply.”

3. The theme will be automatically applied to your KakaoTalk.

Please note that this theme does not affect the keyboard appearance.