
by 朝日新聞社 for Android 13.0

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朝日新聞紙面ビューアー: Accessible Newspaper Viewer for Android

朝日新聞紙面ビューアー is an official app from 朝日新聞デジタル that allows users to read newspapers in the same layout as the print version. It provides quick access to the latest newspapers, allowing users to open them from their device’s screen. The app offers a wide range of newspaper editions, including morning and evening editions, as well as special editions like be and GLOBE. Users can also access regional newspapers from all prefectures in Japan, regardless of their location.

With the app, users can save articles to their “Scrapbook” and add tags to easily find them later. The app supports up to 5000 saved articles and allows users to write notes or comments alongside the saved articles. Users can choose their preferred format for reading, whether it’s downloading and reading offline or reading in a text-only format. The app also offers navigation features, allowing users to easily move between pages and access index pages and related articles.

朝日新聞紙面ビューアー is a free app available for Android devices. It provides a convenient and accessible way to read newspapers in their original format.