影の薄さ診断 – あのここにいます Testiiの

by Testii for Android 9.0

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Shadow Thickness Diagnosis – Testii’s “Are You There?” Android Game Review

Do you ever feel like you go unnoticed in your daily life? Like you’re a ninja descendant or something, only to be ignored by automatic doors and constantly questioned if you’re even there? Having a thin shadow can be inconvenient and unpleasant, but standing out too much can also be a problem. It’s hard to know how much of a presence you have in the world. That’s where “Shadow Thickness Diagnosis” comes in.

This Android game, developed by Testii, offers a random set of 15 questions and psychological tests that diagnose how thick or thin your shadow is. You can try it out for yourself, have your friends take the test, or use it as a conversation starter. The game also offers a feature that allows you to link up with Testii‘s “Everyone’s Diagnosis” website, where you can play and share other people’s diagnoses.

Testii has provided the app for free, but to keep it that way, they have included ads. Overall, this game is an interesting and fun way to learn about your presence in the world.