地城邂逅〜記憶憧憬~: An Authentic RPG Experience
地城邂逅〜記憶憧憬~ is a role-playing game developed by WFS Inc. The game is based on the popular series that has sold over 10 million copies and is now available for smartphones. With complete supervision by teacher Osato Fujita, the game features an original story spanning over 5,000 pages. Players can enjoy full voice acting throughout the game, with over 70,000 words of content. The game allows players to form a team with their favorite characters and embark on adventures in the world of Oulari and Dungeon. With a star-studded cast of producers and voice actors, this is an authentic RPG experience.
[Recommended device]
Android 4.4 or above (2GB of memory or more, some devices not supported)
※ Please note that using a device other than the recommended device may not be supported or compensated.
This application uses CRIWARE(TM) middleware.