動物キャラ診断 – 自分に似ているどうぶつはTestiiの

by Testii for Android 9.0

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A free program for Android, by Testii.

Testii is a community where you can make a random diagnosis. The app will randomly ask 15 questions to determine what kind of animal you are.

You can do the test by yourself or with a friend.

You can check your results with the database of animal traits.

You can create a topic and ask for opinions from other users.

You can play for free.

What kind of animal are you?

Lamb, lost in characters.

Cat, likes cats.

Lizard, looks like a lizard.

Monkey, is it a monkey?

Horse, looks like a horse.

Bear, is it a bear?

Rabbit, likes carrots.

Fox, is it a fox?

Puppy, likes to be petted.

Shark, is it a shark?

Turtle, likes sea-shells.

What are your traits?

Friendly, as a dog.

Loyal, as a cat.

Insecure, as a lizard.