ミニ予定表 – A Convenient Calendar App for Sharp Smartphones
ミニ予定表 is a pre-installed program on Sharp smartphones that have the Quick Launcher or some Another View features. By touching the calendar icon on the Mini App tab of the Quick Launcher, users can easily access their schedules.
The main features of ミニ予定表 include the ability to overlay the calendar on top of other running apps, convenient switching between list and single-item views, customizable display settings for calendars, and the option to show holidays and birthdays. Users can also easily resize, move, and minimize the Mini Calendar using touch gestures.
Additionally, users can drag and drop data from the Mini Calendar to other apps, making it simple to share schedule information.
Please note that inquiries about how to use this app cannot be answered, and by installing this software, users are assumed to have agreed to all the terms and conditions and privacy policy.
“Mini apps for Sharp products”