ヒゲキャッチ: Catch the Falling Beards in this Fun Mobile Game
ヒゲキャッチ is a new mobile game developed by ピース that challenges players to catch falling beards. The objective is simple – touch the screen to move your face and try to catch the beards as cleanly as possible. The cleaner the catch, the higher the score.
With a total of 4 rounds, players are tasked with achieving the highest score possible. Catching beards with a score of 95 or above will earn you the title of “神ヒゲ” (Godly Beard) and grant an extra round, so make sure to take advantage of this opportunity. Additionally, at the start of each game, various lucky effects are randomly assigned to add some excitement.
Once you’ve achieved a great score, you can register it on the leaderboard and compete against other players. ヒゲキャッチ is the fourth game in the popular “ふにゃゲー” series of mobile apps.