
by kobakoba625 for Android 13.0

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おしえて本の発売日: Get the Latest Release Dates for Books

おしえて本の発売日 (translated as “Tell me! Book Release Dates!”) is an Android app that displays the release dates of registered books by their authors or titles. With this app, you can easily access the latest information on book release dates without having to search for them yourself. It covers various genres of books, not just comics, including novels and more. Additionally, you can view detailed information about the books and even access the corresponding book information on Rakuten Ichiba, an online marketplace in Japan.

One of the standout features of this app is its automatic update check, which notifies you of new book releases without needing any user confirmation. You can also add book release dates to your calendar directly from the app. Please note that if there are any discrepancies between the provided release dates and the actual release dates, it is likely due to incorrect information from the Rakuten Web Service and not a problem with the app itself.