পরয়জনয় দয় ও সর DuaSurah – A Comprehensive Collection of Daily Prayers and Surahs
পরয়জনয় দয় ও সর DuaSurah is an Android application developed by Amar Apps that is a comprehensive collection of daily prayers and surahs. The app offers almost 60 essential prayers and surahs in Arabic with Bangla pronunciation and Bangla meaning. It includes prayers and surahs for Namaz, Zikir, and other daily activities, which are written in Bengali. The app also includes prayers and surahs for protection from natural disasters, calamities, and other dangers. The user interface of the app is simple and easy to use, and the prayers and surahs are written in clear and legible fonts. Overall, if you are looking for a simple and easy-to-use app for daily prayers and surahs, then পরয়জনয় দয় ও সর DuaSurah is a great choice for you.