by Apache Friends Project for Windows 8

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Free solution stack for developers

XAMPP is a free single installer that lets you efficiently install website development packages. Web developers use XAMPP to easily deploy websites in a complete environment, and delivers more than only standard servers. You will get the server, database, and scripting engines when you download and install XAMPP.

LAMP, MAMP, and WampServer are popular software bundles that website developers use. Each name is an acronym. All of the programs include the Apache, MySQLand PHP packages: AMP. The beginning letters stand for the standard operating systems: Linux, macOS, and Windows. XAMPP is known as the cross-platform version of the alternatives.

What is the use of XAMPP?

XAMPP lets you install important packages for web developers in a single application. You do not need to individually install programming packages with XAMPP. You can save time on development projects instead of searching for the appropriate servers.

XAMPP is free to use. Additionally, all of the updates are free to install. XAMPP is an open-source project that lets you alter the source code under the GNU General Public License. You can use XAMPP for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux operating systems.

What is the full form of XAMPP?

Apache Friends developed XAMPP. The X stands for cross-platform. AMPP means Apache, MariaDB, PHP, and Perl. Apache is an HTTP web server. The PHP and Pearl programming languages get interpreted by the engines that XAMPP installs. MariaDB is a database server that is often referred to as MySQL.

MariaDB replaced MySQL, since Oracle purchased the MySQL database server. Oracle kept MariaDB open source like MySQL was. The MariaDB database works almost exactly as MySQL did.


XAMPP is essentially an IDE: integrated development environment. XAMPP delivers all the development tools that you need to deploy a site. You can use the Bitnami Module to integrate a variety of open-source software into the server stack for free: Drupal, Joomla!, WordPress, etc. You will find the ready-to-use applications inside the Bitnami Module catalog.

The Bitnami integration makes installing apps easy. The available operating systems will be linked beneath each software. Additionally, the current version numbers will be listed. You will need to accept the customer agreement and terms of service for Bitnami before you can continue with an installation. You can follow the installation instructions after a download is complete.

Is XAMPP safe to use?

XAMPP can be used as a production server, since the software includes the full-fledged versions of the Apache web server, MariaDB database, PHP, and Perl scripting languages. Although XAMPP makes web development easier, the shortcuts come with risks when used for professional purposes. The reason for this is because XAMPP is an optimal education solution for web developers that want to learn development environments.

How can I make XAMPP more secure?

XAMPP can become unsafe when used as a production server. Your personal information is sensitive to attacks when you use XAMPP to connect servers to the internet. If you want to create a secure production server, then you should install all the packages individually. You will want to execute the steps yourself to optimize privacy since XAMPP bypasses certain processes.

What is XAMPP and how it works?

XAMPP is used for installing the Apache distribution package with a variety of components. You can select which servers and programming languages you want to include in your bundle during the installation process. All of the components are selected by default. While you can unmark the software that you do not want on your computer or laptop, the Apache server is required.

You can install Apache, MySQL, FileZilla FTP Server, Mercury Mail Server, and Tomcat servers. The programming languages that are available to use are PHP, Perl, phpMyAdmin, Webalizer, and Fake Sendmail. You can click on each of the listed items to get detailed information. Certain software requires additional setup processes.

You can choose a destination folder on the following page of the installer. The XAMPP control panel will launch after the installation is complete. The components that you installed will be listed in the middle of the user interface. The ‘Start’, ‘Admin’, ‘Config.’, and ‘Logs’ buttons will be beside each option. If a module is disabled, then you cannot press the associated commands.

Any components that are disabled will be listed in the log below the modules. The right side of the UI has additional buttons. The ‘Config’ button has information about the XAMPP installation. You can change the default editor and browser in the ‘Configuration of Control Panel’ window.

The ‘Service and Port Settings’ button will let you connect your XAMPP server to the internet. You do not need to change the service and port settings when you use XAMPP for testing purposes. You can use XAMPP as a local file sharing server that works like a website on your PC or local network.

A well-designed user interface

The ‘Netstat’ button delivers a comprehensive report of active components on your PC. ‘Shell’ gives you shell access to XAMPP. You can tap the ‘Explorer’ button to launch the destination folder. Additionally, you can manually open the folder. If XAMPP is not working in Windows 10, then a ‘Help’ button is available in the UI. The ‘Quit’ option will stop your session.

An optimal environment to practice

XAMPP lets you easily improve your development skills. You can click on the ‘Config’ button next to each module to configure the servers. All of the code will appear in a separate window for you to edit, depending on the file you select. The Bitnami installer lets you optimize the user experience with add-ons. The utilities in the Bitnami Module are used for eCommerce, eLearning, etc.

What’s new?

The current software version is located at the top of the UI. The official website for XAMPP delivers descriptions of the versions released. The developers are consistently working to upgrade the software with new updates.