
by Joseph Cox for Windows 98

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Keep your add-ons up to date and working

Advanced tab to the Settings window with various new settings.GetWoWPath() startup error.”WoW is Running” will only appear if it is the WoW that is actually being updated.The columns shown by default have been changed.Logging was using the wrong icon for Successful entries.WoWus should work on the Mac/Linux after tweaking the Advanced tab settings.Updated the Pique library.


  • Advanced tab to the Settings window with various new settings.GetWoWPath() startup error.”WoW is Running” will only appear if it is the WoW that is actually being updated.The columns shown by default have been changed.Logging was using the wrong icon for Successful entries.WoWus should work on the Mac/Linux after tweaking the Advanced tab settings.Updated the Pique library.

The World of Warcraft updating system is a standalone application that automates the task of keeping your add-ons current.

Anyone that has been playing World of Warcraft for any length of time knows how frustrating a new content patch can be. The scripting system in WoW is under constant modification to help add-on writers; unfortunately this does result in add-ons breaking quite often and requires them to be updated – a very time-consuming effort if you have more than a few installed.

WoWus was created to help alleviate the pains of keeping your installation in workable order; please see the Features section for further information.