Wishlist by Giftbuster

by Giftbuster Inc. for iOS 12.1.2

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Wishlist by Giftbuster: How to Add Gifts to Your Wishlist

Welcome to the app for gift-shopping wishlist.

Create your wishlist or simply add anything from any website with one click.

You can also create separate Wishlists for yourself and your loved ones.

This application saves the links from websites so that you can see what you want.

How do I add gifts to my list using my browser with the GiftBuster browser extension?

Open any page in Safari

Tap the Share icon

Swipe the grey icons in the bottom row and tap “More.”

Turn on “Add Gift via GiftBuster” and tap “Done.”

Now when you see an item you like, you can add it to your GiftBuster list without ever leaving the Safari browser by tapping the Share icon and then clicking “Add Gift via GiftBuster.”!

You can also mark gifts that are on TOP of your list.