Windows Password Unlocker

by Passwordunlocker for Windows 8

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Retrive your lost passwords in no time

Windows Password Unlocker is a useful tool for password retrieval if you’ve lost or forgotten yours.

If you’ve forgotten your password for Windows, the situation can seem pretty desperate. Fortunately, there are several password retrieval programs you can take advantage of to figure out your password once again. Windows Password Unlocker is one of those programs where you can override the password function and set a new one.

After downloading Windows Password Unlocker, you’ll see three separate parts. The first is BurnCDCC. Then there’s Help and lastly an ISO file. You’ll also need a blank CD. Start by opening up the help document. You’ll need to follow the instructions closely.

You burn Windows Password Unlocker’s ISO file to disc, reboot to the BIOS screen with the disc in the machine and from there the ISO file will run and, most importantly, let you set a new password. This can be a bit difficult for beginning users, so be sure to refer to the instructions if you get confused.

If using Windows Password Unlocker seems a little complicated, don’t worry. There are various stages to the process, but it is all well-explained in the help file. Once you have the disc burned and the BIOS open, Windows Password Unlocker actually becomes very easy to use.

Note that the trial version of Windows Password Unlocker won’t actually allow you to change the password, although it allows you to do everything up to that point.

Windows Password Unlocker is a little complex, but it’s a sure-fire way to recover a Windows password you’ve lost or forgotten.