Who die Choose the victim

by Say Bia Game Studio for Android 13.0

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Who die Choose the victim – A Fun Game with Unexpected Deaths

Who die Choose the victim is a new arcade game developed by Say Bia Game Studio. It is available on Android for free. The game is based on predicting who will die first in a movie theater. It features funny stories, unexpected situations, and the stupidest deaths you’ve ever seen, all stemming from real life.

The game is easy to play. You play as a person in the movie theater and make predictions about who will die first. You can follow the progress, tap the unlucky stickman and press the start button to see the results. The game has dozens of levels with increasing difficulty, making it more challenging as you progress. The game features funny and lively music, creating excitement for players. The game movement is smooth and the graphics are simple and beautiful. The game has diverse scenarios with many unpredictable surprises, making it more interesting to play. Additionally, the game has a shop with a variety of energy battery packs, and you can watch ads to get free energy batteries.

Overall, Who die Choose the victim is an innovative and novel entertainment game. It is a great game to play when you want to have a good laugh. The game is well-designed, and the developers have done an excellent job of creating a fun, engaging game.