Play the popular guessing game on your Android phone
Who are you? is a two-player Android game based on the popular board game, Guess Who. The object of the game is to guess which character your opponent is before they guess you.
When you launch and set up Who are you?, you’re presented with a selection of 25 characters and must choose one, then pass the phone to your opponent who then chooses theirs. You then take it in turns to ask questions about the appearance of the other player’s character, passing the phone each time you do this.
The way that Who are you? works is quite strange. Instead of simply asking your opponent a question and eliminating the non-matching characters yourself, you must select a question from a list in the app. Who are you? then automatically blanks out the characters that don’t match. This takes a lot of fun out of the game because you can only ask what’s on the list, and you don’t even get the joy of marking the people you don’t think it is yourself.
Who are you? is not very well presented. The menu graphics are very amateurish, the text contains some poor English, and the characters themselves are strange 3D impressions of famous people – and it’s difficult to figure out who some of them are meant to be!
Guess Who will always be a great guessing game, but Who are you? takes a lot of the fun out of the original with it’s poorly designed gameplay system and crass graphics.