WebPod Studio

by Lionhardt for Windows 2000

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WebPod Studio is software to produce audio and video PodCasts

PowerPoint Import Wizard: WebPod Studio can import PowerPoint slides and create a video PodCast out of the imported data.Macro Support: WebPod Studio now supports macros. You can record keystrokes and mouse movements within WebPod Studio and save the data as a macro. You can play the macro back at any time. This will help you perform tasks you do on a regular basis automatically. You can also define a start-up macro to execute at start-up of WebPod Studio.


  • PowerPoint Import Wizard: WebPod Studio can import PowerPoint slides and create a video PodCast out of the imported data.Macro Support: WebPod Studio now supports macros. You can record keystrokes and mouse movements within WebPod Studio and save the data as a macro. You can play the macro back at any time. This will help you perform tasks you do on a regular basis automatically. You can also define a start-up macro to execute at start-up of WebPod Studio.

WebPod Studio is software to produce audio and video PodCasts. This program is designed to help both new and experienced computer users to create, gather content and produce quality audio and video broadcasting over the Internet.

In addition, user-designed broadcasts can be uploaded to existing servers and archived on those servers, or burned onto CD or DVD discs. Various output options are available for transcripts and other materials to be produced for the broadcasts and to establish connectivity to the world of Rich Site Summary (RSS) and Blogging.