WebHtmlEdit Control

by jitbit for Windows ME

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A trial version program for Windows, by jitbit.

WebHtmlEdit Control‘IDEs/Source Editors’

About WebHtmlEdit Control for Windows

This program has been published on Softonic on October 11th, 2005 and we have not had the chance to test it yet.

We encourage you to try it and leave us a comment or value it on our website. This will help a lot the rest of our users!

WebHtmlEdit Control is available for Windows 2000 or above. The current version of the app is 2.3, and you can run it only in English.

JitBit WebHtmlEdit ASP.NET control is a powerful WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) browser-based HTML editor for ASP.NET (also called “Rich Text Editor”). It enables ASP.NET Web developers to replace simple textboxes and textareas in their existing web applications with a powerful, easy to use WYSIWYG online HTML editor component.

WebHtmlEdit is a .NET webcontrol, which can be easily integrated into any web application and VS.NET project. This control can be used in content management systems, online e-mail readers etc. It is compatible with both Firebox and IE.