Water Tracker – Drink Water

by Firehawk for Android 13.0

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A free program for Android, by Firehawk.

This app is a handy tool that allows users to track their daily water intake. Users can enter the information required to calculate their daily goal and be reminded when it’s time to have another drink.

It also keeps track of users’ history and allows them to view and analyze their progress. This tool helps users to achieve their daily goal, maintain a healthy body, and stay hydrated.

It is a free and easy-to-use app. You can use this app to calculate your daily goal, set a reminder for when you should drink water, and be reminded when it’s time for your next drink.

You can enter the information required to calculate your daily goal and enter the details of the person you want to remind.

If you don’t want to install the app, you can enter the details directly on the website.