
by Bharti Airtel Ltd for Windows 8

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Timer program to time different tasks

With WatchMe you can track the time it takes you to complete a task. The interface is very simple and there are no advanced features. Simply write a note that reminds you what you are taking the time for, something like “writing this review” then press the start button and the clock starts to register the time that passes. You can track different tasks at the same time, pause and re-enable or reset the counter.

It would have been good to have the possibility to export the final results to a printable document like Excel, in order to keep a record to see daily improvements. The application does what it says and nothing more. It’s useful, but they could have developed some features to give more meaning to the results and to compare previous day’s result for the same task.

If you need to know how long it takes you to do something here’s an electronic time keeper that is not afraid to show you the inexorable cent-seconds passing.

WatchMe is a simple timer program that can be used to time a number of different tasks or events together or indepenedently of each other. You can easily name each timer and track information about the tasks that you are timing – a great solution for those who need to track their time for billing, timesheets and more.

Features Include:

  • Ability to manage multiple timers at once
  • Give each timer a unique name
  • Display time in hours:minutes:seconds or in fractions of an hour
  • Store notes and comments on each timer
  • Quickly copy and paste time into other time tracking programs and billing programs
  • No install program – just copy the executable and run