Walkie Talkie Wi-Fi Intercom

by Auzi Apps Studios for Android 9.0

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A free program for Android, by Auzi Apps Studios.

Walkie Talkie Wi-Fi Intercom is a free application to make a free call over the Internet to any device with a Wi-Fi connection. It is also a useful tool to make a group call to a number of people at the same time.

To connect with other devices, you must have the same Wi-Fi network, which you can find in most places, such as hotels, cafes, or home. It is also a good idea to use a Wi-Fi network that has a lot of traffic, so you will not have any problems when using the application.

This application is not an application to make a call over the Internet, but it is a tool to help you to make a call.

You will be able to make calls to any number, even if the number is not registered with the service.

It is also possible to use this application to connect with a Wi-Fi network.