VRemin (A Virtual Theremin)

by hOSHI for Windows 8

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Interesting Experience for Music Lovers

VRemin (A Virtual Theremin) is a virtual reality experience that has been created especially for anyone who has ever wanted the chance to play the Theremin. The experience comes with plenty of different customisable options, including the ability to change the colour of the instrument if desired.

Time to Get Musical

People who want to experience playing in front of an actual audience will be abl to step onto the stage in the virtual world and choose the concert hall setting. This adds a little extra reverb to the notes of the Theremin so that it sounds as if it is being played in a large room. Players also have the option of being part of a virtual band as they join forces with other virtual instrument players in the virtual reality musical community.

Putting in the Practice

For people who want the chance to try to play the Theremin without having to pay for the actual instrument first is likely to find that VRemin (A Virtual Theremin) is a good way to do this. However, the Theremin is not exactly the most diverse or challenging instrument out there and many users are likely to find that the appeal wears off rather quickly.