Volcanes Perú APK

by Instituto Geofísico del Perú - IGP for Android 13.0

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Discover the Active Volcanoes of Southern Peru with Volcanes Perú

Volcanes Perú is a free Android application developed by the Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) for users to learn about the main active volcanoes in the southern region of Peru. The app provides continuously updated information to help users manage the risk of disasters caused by possible volcanic eruptions.

With Volcanes Perú, users can access detailed information about each volcano, including its location, height, type, and recent activity. The app also provides real-time monitoring of the volcanic activity in the region, enabling users to stay informed about any changes or potential risks.

Overall, Volcanes Perú is an essential tool for those living in or traveling to the southern region of Peru who want to stay informed about the risks associated with active volcanoes.