Vibrate app with calculator icon APK

by The Tree Team for Android 13.0

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Vibrate App with Calculator Icon: A Review

Vibrate App with Calculator Icon is an Android application developed by The Tree Team. This free app falls under the category of Utilities & Tools. As the name suggests, the app is designed with a calculator icon for privacy protection by a pin code. The app turns your phone into a vibrate device, which can be used to test the vibrate function of the phone, massage, or any other activity that requires vibration. The app has been tested on Samsung Galaxy, HTC, Sony, and Xiaomi phones, and it worked well.

The app offers several features, including hiding the app from others with a calculator icon, testing the vibrate function, and more vibrate modes. The app provides a fun and unique way to use your phone’s vibrate function. However, it is important to note that the app does not offer any additional functionality beyond what is described above. Overall, Vibrate App with Calculator Icon is a useful tool for those who require frequent use of the vibrate function on their phone.