
by GriSoft for Windows Vista

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Download the remover vcleaner.exe. Restart your computer in Safe mode and run the remover on the infected computer.

Vcleaner removal utility will detect and remove following viruses:

  • Win32/Gaelicum
  • Win32/Hidrag
  • BackDoor.Agent.A-Z, AA-BG
  • Downloader.Agent.AS
  • I-Worm/Atak.A-I
  • I-Worm/Bagle.A-Z, AA-BA
  • I-Worm/Bugbear.D
  • I-Worm/Netsky.A-Z, AA-AD
  • I-Worm/Sasser.A-F
  • I-Worm/Zafi.A-D
  • PSW.Bispy.A-E