US Army: Training Courses Game

by Tag-Action Games for Android 4.3

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A Free Game Where You Try Your Luck In The Army

The US Army: Training Courses Game is not about shooting bad guys, levelling up, or conquering maps. This game is more like a simulator game. You get to put your character through a training course, which includes the obstacle courses, the muddy hikes, and the early morning starts.

An Army Camp Simulation Game

Start in the morning at 05:00 hours and go through the same routine as an army cadet. The aim of the game is to get through the training session and qualify for the National Guard. Joining the national guard is the aim of the game, but there are no real consequences for failing: you are simply not hired in the game. The graphics on the US Army: Training Courses Game are similar to what you may see on the Playstation 2, which means things are textured and rendered in a 3D fashion, but things are a little less detailed in places. One of the biggest and most repeated criticisms is that the game is much too slow. Too little happens during the game for most people to tolerate, and much of the action is slow in terms of how quickly you move from one obstacle to the next. Some people may like a slower pace, but many army-game fans may be disappointed.

A Simulation Game That Allows You To See Life As A Cadet

The US Army: Training Courses Game is okay if you have a genuine interest in joining the army. It may not be suitable for people who want a fast-paced army game because that is not really what the game is all about.