Up And Down And All Around – Gravity – Minecraft Mod

by Mysteryem for Windows 10

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Free gravity mod for Minecraft

Up and Down and All Around – Gravity – Minecraft Mod is a game utility by Mysteryem. This free app works as a mod for the popular sandbox game Minecraft. It is a gravity mod that allows players to change the direction that gravity moves to any of the cardinal directions. 

This Minecraft mod will be useful on the Cube Block map as it offers various gravitational tricks, such as anchors. However, take care when crafting them as they take effect instantly. Additionally, users must note that Up and Down and All Around is not compatible with newer Minecraft versions.

What can you do with this mod?

Up and Down and All Around is a mod that lets you change the direction the gravity moves players. Originally produced as part of The Modding Trials, it only allowed players to flip the gravity such that they fell upwards. However, upon further development, it now lets you move the direction of your gravity in any cardinal direction, including up, down, north, east, west, and south

The mod comes with three useful features. The first is the Gravity Generators, which lets you change players’ gravity in an area. The Gravity Controllers, meanwhile, change your gravity when you are in your inventory. It also allows you to change the gravity direction at will. Finally, the Gravity Anchors make the items always attracted in one direction regardless of gravity. Although, you cannot have their direction changed. 

However, if you are using galacticraft/advanced rocketry or other mods that take you above y=255 with this mod, you may want to edit the config. Doing so will avoid taking damage or dying when you are above y=255. Additionally, it is not compatible with some Minecraft mods, such as Chiseled Me, LagGoggles, and Surge. Finally, users must note that this mod does not work with Minecraft 1.14 or newer. 

Should you download it?

Overall, Up and Down and All Around – Gravity – Minecraft Mod is a fun addition to your Minecraft game. Using this complex and interesting mod, you can change the direction of attraction in your Minecraft world. With this, you can move in any cardinal direction. However, the app comes with limitations. It is also incompatible with some well-known Minecraft mods. Worse, it only works with older versions of the vanilla game.