
by Typhoontools for Windows 2003

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Save all your passwords in one location

Keeping track of hundreds of passwords that you need to use the internet everyday is a full time job in itself.

TyphoonPassword does the hard work for you by allowing you to store all of your passwords in one secure program. TyphoonPassword automatically displays a password reminder, whenever you open or visit a web page or window that requires a password. The developers claim that all passwords in TyphoonPassword can be secured using “military strength” encryption tied to one master password. How strong the encryption actually is is not clear but this is obviously a major concern when entrusting your precious passwords to one single application such as TyphoonPassword.

If on the other hand you’re more worried about losing your passwords or TyphoonPassword crashing and losing all your data, then it does allow you to export them to a document. In addition, if you need to create a new password, TyphoonPassword has a password generator that generates hard to crack passwords.

If you trust it, TyphoonPassword can take the burden of remembering passwords off of you.