Trivco – Test your friends
Trivco is a free trivia game developed by Flex Games for the Android platform. It is a fun game that allows you to create custom quizzes with personal and fun questions to challenge your friends and family.
The game is simple to use, and you can create your quiz by answering the questions provided and then sharing it with your friends and family. After they answer the quiz, you can preview the results and see how well they know you.
One of the best features of Trivco is that you can create as many quizzes as you like. You can also swap unwanted questions and sharpen your friend’s brain with tons of personal questions. The game is small in size, only 5mb, and it is a great way to enjoy some time with your loved ones.
Please note that if Firefox is your default browser, you need to activate the “Open links in apps” option in Settings->Open links in the app. Also, if Samsung Browser is your default browser, you need to activate the “Open links in other apps” option in Setting->Useful features->Open links in other apps.
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